Delivery Information

We deliver products Australia-wide using TNT Express.  An email will be sent to you when your order has been dispatched, providing you with a tracking ID so that you can monitor your delivery's progress.  We recommend that you sign for all deliveries of purchased goods for added security.  Responsibility for your purchased goods passes to you upon signing for the goods.

Exact shipping costs are calculated in the shopping cart and will be added to the order total before checkout.

Provided the item/s are in stock, orders are dispatched within 1-3 business days. Shipping times are estimated at between 3-10 business days depending on your location.

If you have specified a recipient who is not you for delivery purposes, for example as a gift or work colleague, then you accept that evidence of a signature by them (or at that delivery address) is evidence of delivery and fulfilment by CMT Sieves, and transfer of responsibility in the same way.

Express Deliveries

Express Deliveries can be organised via contacting our office, additional funds from those paid for will be quoted/charged.

Special Order Surcharge - International Orders

Any item not in stock, incurs an International Courier fee/Special Order Surcharge.  This is just covers our freight costs from overseas.  If you have multiple items that are not in stock, feel free to contact us, as we maybe able to generate a better price for bulk orders.